Vitamin D + K

Vitamin D controls the expression of 200+ genes, touching nearly every cell in our bodies. Yet more than 40% of Americans are deficient in this essential vitamin. The Lifeforce D+K formula, the only one of its kind to feature ampli-D®, is clinically proven to raise vitamin D levels three times faster than regular Vitamin D supplements. Lifeforce D+K delivers the most bioavailable and bioactive form of supplemental vitamin D (calcifediol as ampli-D®) to bolster bone health, immune, and neurological function. The addition of a vitamin K1 + K2 blend ensures that calcium is deposited in the bone, versus the soft tissue, for maximum results.

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All subscriptions are billed monthly and may be cancelled online at any time.

3X Faster Absorption

Exclusively available in our Lifeforce Vitamin D+K formula, ampli-D® corrects deficiency 3x faster than regular vitamin D supplements

Calcium for healthy bones

K2Vital® is the purest, most active, and proven safe vitamin K2 and helps to ensure calcium is deposited safely into bones

Supports Heart Health

K2Vital® activates Gla protein, which is one of the strongest inhibitors of blood vessel calcification and arterial stiffness


Strong bones and body

Strong bones and body

It’s estimated that up to 40% of American adults are insufficient, and 6% are full-on deficient in Vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to tiredness, back pain, and brittle bones. Contrary to popular belief, getting a few minutes in the sun every day is unlikely to sustain optimal levels, especially as you get older and your skin becomes less efficient at converting sunlight. Same goes for eating vitamin D-rich foods like egg yolks (you'd need 16 eggs a day to hit the recommended dosage). Standard vitamin D supplements will take 8-12 weeks to begin improving your levels. That's potentially an extra three months of living below your best. We created Lifeforce Vitamin D+K using a highly bioavailable form of vitamin D formulated to get your levels optimized faster.